Como vem sendo hábito destacamos da última coluna semanal "What's New" do físico norte-americano Robert Park:
One week ago Pres. Barack Obama proclaimed May 6, 2010 to be a National Day of Prayer in accordance with his responsibilities under Public Law 82-324. I heard no pealing of church bells yesterday, nor were throngs of the faithful seen gathering to give thanks. The only indication that yesterday was National Prayer Day was a full-page ad in the New York Times announcing that Federal District Court Judge Barbara Crabb had ruled that the law is an unconstitutional call to religious action. However, Judge Crabb put enforcement of her ruling on hold pending appeal, allowing already scheduled prayer events to go on. The ad in the NYT, and perhaps in other newspapers as well, was placed by the Freedom From Religion Foundation, which initiated the court action by suing. It is no accident that the Bill of Rights begins with the establishment clause; many of the framers of the Constitution, having seen the pernicious effects of state religions in Europe, were determined to produce a religion-free document.
They would have been shocked that the Rev. Billy Graham, a Southern Baptist evangelist from North Carolina, could show up at the United States Capitol 164 years later and instruct Congress to pass a law directing the President to urge citizens to pray; Congress dutifully obliged. Moreover, although the law was a clear violation of the establishment clause of the First Amendment, it was allowed to stand unchallenged for 58 years. It required the President of the United States to set aside a day each year as a National Day of Prayer and every President since has meekly complied; it would be political suicide to do otherwise. Likewise, the President can not publicly thank U.S. Federal District Court Judge Barbara Crabb for upholding the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. I'm not the President, but What's New thanks her."
Robert Park
segunda-feira, 10 de maio de 2010
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2 comentários:
Como, Senhor! estás em toda a parte,
incluindo a minha casa, o meu cantinho,
quando te rezo, rezo-te baixinho,
porque razão não há para gritar-te!
Rezo em surdina, a sós com meus botões,
pois para a minha voz a ti chegar
não tenho precisão de a levantar
quando te faço as minhas orações.
Rezo baixinho, imperceptivelmente,
pois não te encontras só na minha mente
como em todo o meu ser, à minha mão.
Por isso a minha reza é como a brisa
que sem fazer ruído suaviza
a dor que me atormenta o coração!
Quando poeticamente, por sistema,
Deus questiono sobre o meu destino,
por afinar começo o violino
a cujo som componho o meu poema.
Gosto de lhe rezar em poesia,
a música dos astros imitando,
meus versos com rigor metrificando,
pois sei quanto lhe agrada a melodia.
Escolho os termos mais apropiados
para lhe enternecer o coração
em frases de esmerada correcção.
Eu tenho a sensação que os meus sonetos,
edificantemente recitados,
a Deus, quando lhe rezo, vão directos!
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