quarta-feira, 19 de março de 2008

Ensino da Matemática nos EUA

O ensino da Matemática está na ordem do dia nos Estados Unidos. Veja-se a discussão sobre o relatório nacional:

It's 3 AM and the White House Wants to Change Your Math Curriculum!

President Bush's National Math Advisory Panel has released its final report and several Pulse Contributing Editors discuss the merits of the effort while none if surprised by the panel's focus on "core math skills."

• Roger Schank, Ph.D. challenges many of the assumptions underlying the report.

• David Thornburg, Ph.D. takes issue with the panel chair's comments about constructivism.

• Marvin Minsky, Ph.D. (via an external blog) explores why math is hard to learn.

• Gary Stager, Ph.D. discusses the likely harm caused by the report's inauthentic recommendations.

• Math teacher, Michael Paul Goldenberg, wonders if anything is new.

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Por A. Galopim de Carvalho   Foi num dia quente e seco de Julho, nos finais dos anos 40 do século que passou, com o sol quase a pino, na Her...