International Colloquium at the Joanina Library, University of Coimbra
Portugal- Britain: 250 Years of Scientific Exchange (1660-1910)
Organized on the occasion of the 350th anniversary of the Royal Society of London to remember the 25 Portuguese scientists and diplomats who were members of that Society (including notable scientists like João Jacinto Magalhães - Jean-Hyacinthe Magellan, Abade Correia da Serra - Abbé Correa, Jacob de Castro Sarmento, João Chevalier, Teodoro de Almeida and Bento de Moura Portugal and diplomats like D. João Carlos de Bragança - 2nd Lafões Duke and the Marquis of Pombal) and, in general, the Portuguese-British scientific exchange from the foundation of the Royal Society to the beginning of the Portuguese Republic.
Friday, 10th December 2010
Organized by the General Library of the University of Coimbra, in collaboration with the Royal Society, in the framework of the Exhibition "Portuguese Fellows of the Royal Society", which will be on display at the same Library from 15th November to 30th January 2011, in collaboration with the Museum of Science of the University of Coimbra.
Invited Speakers (already confirmed):
- Keith Moore (Royal Society)
- Robert Fox (University of Oxford)
- Ana Simões (University of Lisboa)
- Décio Martins (University of Coimbra)
- Isabel Malaquias (Universidade de Aveiro)
The Colloquium will be in English.
Short presentations on the Portugueses Fellows of the Royal Society may be accepted: please send abstract until 15th November to director@bg.uc.pt )
Open to historians of science, historians and scientists, as well as students of these disciplines. Since the noble space of the Joanina Library only allows for 80 seats, there is a restriction in the number of participants. The fee is 25 Euros (including coffee breaks, documentation and a guided tour of the exhibition and the Museum of Science of the University of Coimbra) with a 40% reduction for students, and has to be paid in advance. There will be a fee waiver for the authors of accepted contributions.
The Joanina Library (Biblioteca Joanina) is the Baroque library of the University of Coimbra, built in the early 18th century during the reign of the Portuguese King João V (and named after him). It is located in upper Coimbra, the university historic centre, near the university tower, and is part of the University of Coimbra General Library. It is a European Heritage place. The Exhibition will make available to the public for the first time the whole space of the Library building, including the noble floor, the intermediate floor and the academic prison, in the basement.
Organizing committee: Carlos Fiolhais (chairman, University of Coimbra, director@bg.uc.pt), Keith Moore (Royal Society) and Dennis Weaire (Trinity College, Dublin)
Sponsors: Foundation for Science and Technology, Royal Society and University of Coimbra.
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