quarta-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2008

"Science Shops" dinamarquesas

Informação recebida do Centro de Estudos Sociais de Coimbra:

Seminário do Núcleo de Estudos sobre Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade
"Science Shops - a democratic approach to science and society - what's in it for civil society and universities?"
Michael Søgaard Jørgensen
6 de Fevereiro de 2008, 17:00, Sala de Seminários do CES (2º Piso)

Entrada livre - Inscrição


The presentation is based on 20 years experience at the Technical University of Denmark with co-operation with citizen groups through a Science Shop acting as an intermediary between civil society and the university. The concept of Science Shops is presented. The shaping of civil society’s co-operation with Science Shops and their influence from such co-operation is discussed. Local and international experience with the development of university research and curricula based on civil society’s knowledge needs are described. The challenges to the future role of Science Shops in a time with increased focus on co-operation between university and business and focus on entrepreneurship at universities are considered. Finally, recommendations for the planning of a university-based Science Shop are given.

Nota biográfica:

Associate Professor and Science Shop coordinator at Technical University of Denmark. Background: MSc. in Chemical Engineering and PhD in technology assessment.
Teaching sustainable development, transnational environmental management, and co-shaping of nanotechnology and society. Present research focuses on environmental capacity building in companies and product chains, innovation processes in sustainable houses, co-shaping of nanotechnology and society, quality and stress in social service work, and sustainable food production and consumption.

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