Destaque para a coluna "What's New" do físico norte-americano Robert Park:
Is there an unknown particle about 160 times the mass of a proton? Dennis Overby who wrote about the putative discovery in this morning's New York Times uses the word "cautious" to describe the reaction of physicists at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. Well, they aren't all cautious; new physics, dark matter, strange Higgs boson, even "a new force" are some of the speculations. If it's real why hasn't it already been seen? We shouldn't have to wait long to find out if it’s real. There are two detectors at Fermilab; the bump was seen with the CDF detector, but elsewhere in the accelerator complex is the DZero detector, which should be able to see the same bump, within a few weeks – if it's there. And if it's there, the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva should have no trouble at all seeing it. What's my take? I'll wait for independent verification.
segunda-feira, 11 de abril de 2011
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