sábado, 19 de março de 2011

Querem ir para a RUA pá?

O total das obrigações internas e externas de Portugal ascende a 300% do PIB.

As linhas orientadoras do (des)governo de José Sócrates apresentadas em Bruxelas são estas.

"The government is taking measures to regain control over the debt dynamics, and thereby reassure creditors."

"On the revenue side, measures include a hike in VAT rates, higher social contributions, higher prices for some government services, sales of concessions and ceilings on income tax deductions for high incomes and on income tax benefits."

"Health care expenditures will be reduced by a further €100 million in 2011 beyond the originally targeted expenditure savings. This will be achieved by a mix of administrative savings and a cut of operational expenditure by 10%."

"Reductions in the costs of state-owned enterprises lower the need for government transfers. To that end the global cost-reduction targets will be tightened by imposing higher cost reduction targets on the operating expenditures of specific companies, where further cost savings potential can be identified. The government will present firm-specific spending ceilings by end of March 2011. This measure is expected to yield a further savings of at least €150 million."

"Further reduction in expenditure of other Public Entities and Bodies €100 million in 2011 beyond the originally targeted expenditure savings. This will be achieved by a mix of administrative savings and a cut of operational expenditure by 10%; and further reduction of the transfers to other sectors of public administration (0.1% GDP )"

"Additional reduction of social expenditure and increase in social security contributions: further tightening of inspection to be applied to all social benefits; contribution to social security compulsory for trainees (0.1% GDP)"

"Further reduction in capital expenditure: several projects foreseen to be implemented in 2011 in areas such as road construction, school construction, and other public works, are being re-scheduled (the overall amount of the projects adds up to 0.25% of GDP); Increase in other capital receipts with further concessions and sale of public real estate (max 0.2% GDP)"

Estado social? Apoio aos mais necessitados? Protecção do emprego? Investimento público?

Querem ir para a RUA pá?
Por isto SIM vale a PENA.

3 comentários:

Francisco Domingues disse...

Não percebi o porquê de Norberto Pires de ir para a rua gritar e exigir o que só com dinheiro - mais dinheiro pedido emprestado, aumentando a nossa dívida! - se consegue dar aos portugueses. Por que é que não se vem para a rua gritar por deveres, por trabalho, por invenção e dinamismo, por espírito de luta e de iniciativa, não estando sempre - e mais uma vez! - à espera que bons empregos e benesses caiam do céu ou sejam promovidos pelo governo? Já é tempo, não é?

J. Norberto Pires disse...

Referia-me em vir para a RUA protestar pela mentira, pela má gestão e pelo engano sistemático aos Portugueses.

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 Por A. Galopim de Carvalho Já o disse e não é demais repetir que, por razões dinâmicas, decorrentes dos diâmetros das respectivas partícul...