terça-feira, 24 de abril de 2012
Novo destaque para a coluna de Robert Park, "What's New", desta vez sobre a oposição à vacinação com base em supostos perigos:
"There was never a time before people knew that falling trees and large animals with teeth can kill. Microbes are another matter. They had been killing us for perhaps 200,000 years before Antonie van Leeuwenhoek showed them to us. Paul Offit and two colleagues worked for 25 years to develop a vaccine for the rotavirus, a cause of gastroenteritis that kills as many as 600,000 children a year worldwide, mostly in underdeveloped countries. The vaccine is credited with saving hundreds of lives a day. Offit wrote "Autism’s False Prophets" in 2008 exposing British physician Andrew Wakefield for falsely claiming the MMR vaccine is linked to autism. Vaccination prevents more suffering than any other branch of medicine, but is still opposed by the scientifically ignorant who accept the upside-down logic of the alternative medicine movement. Because vaccination of schoolchildren against virulent childhood infections is ubiquitous, crackpots, scoundrels and gullible reporters get away with linking it to unrelated health problems as they did in the 1980s with the ubiquitous power lines. We still hear echoes of the power-line scare in the cell phone/cancer panic. Paul Offit has just written "Deadly Choices: How The Anti-Vaccine Movement Threatens Us All. We need to do everything we can to stop it."
Robert Park
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1 comentário:
Também precisamos de valer mais vivos do que mortos, a propósito do tráfico de órgãos humanos.
Robert Park, deixa-te de tretas, pá.
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