sábado, 3 de março de 2012


Empires decline – revisited from Pedro Miguel Cruz on Vimeo.

Um trabalho gráfico de Pedro Miguel Cruz.

"The decline of the largest maritime empires of the 19 and 20th centuries. A more sober and formal approach. The physics engine was tweaked in order to attain fluid interactions and a mitosis like split. Added the original 13 colonies (USA). Added Ireland. Cuba maintains its perceived independence date for the consistency of the chosen dates for the other territories. There is more information displayed, as the former colonies persist on the map and head to their current geographical positions. Therefore it is possible to visualize in the end of the narrative how much of the world was once part of an Empire. The timeline is no longer linear as it speeds up if there is nothing going on. The music was kindly composed for the purpose of this narrative by CHOP WOOD – chopwood.eu pmcruz.com ".

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 Por A. Galopim de Carvalho Já o disse e não é demais repetir que, por razões dinâmicas, decorrentes dos diâmetros das respectivas partícul...