segunda-feira, 12 de março de 2012

Open Letter for Science in Spain

Summary of the main petitions in the Open Letter:

"In the next few weeks, and contravening recommendation from the European Commission stating that public deficit control measures should not affect Research and Development (R&D) and innovation, the Spanish Government and Parliament could approve a State Budget that would cause considerable long-term damage to the already weakened Spanish research system, contributing to its collapse. This would imply the maintenance of an obsolete economic model that is not competitive and is especially vulnerable to all kinds of economic and political contingencies. Given the above, we ask the political representatives:

- To avoid a new reduction of investment in R&D and innovation. In the last few years, the investment in R&D (chapter 46 of the State Budget) has suffered a cut of 4.2% in 2010 and 7.38% in 2011; for 2012, a further 8.65% cut is being considered (where the percentages refer to the cut with respect to the previous year). If the budget cut for 2012 is ratified, during those years the Public Research Organisms would have suffered an accumulated 30% reduction of the resources coming from the State Budget. Investment in R&D was 1.39% of GDP in 2010 and it is estimated that in 2011 it was less than 1.35%. In the mid-term, it should reach the mean EU-27 value of 2.3% and converge toward the European Council goal of 3%.

- To include R&D and innovation among the “priority sectors” allowing hiring in public research organisms, universities and technological centers during the fiscal year 2012. This will avoid a “brain drain” that would take decades to reverse."

2 comentários:

Cláudia da Silva Tomazi disse...

Well, let's try again.

Cláudia da Silva Tomazi disse...

Sorry, Mr. Bok.

Think different moment.

Human priority, cleaner.

What to do?!

Answer the privacy.

Learn be criative.

Listen by action.

Science is great!


 Por A. Galopim de Carvalho Já o disse e não é demais repetir que, por razões dinâmicas, decorrentes dos diâmetros das respectivas partícul...