O habitual apontamento de fim de semana do físico Robert Park, um grande combatentes contra a fraude, a superstição e o erro:
On Monday federal judge Royce Lamberth, appointed to the federal bench by Ronald Reagan, blocked the use of federal funds for research using embryonic stem cells on the grounds that extracting the cells kills human embryos. It is of course true that, for good or ill, every embryo has the potential to become a totally unique human being. The same is true of every zygote created by the fusion of gametes in an in-vitro fertilization Petri dish. One or more of the resulting embryos will be transferred to the patient's uterus a few days later. There will typically be many embryos left over. They are stored cryogenically in case a second transfer is necessary. By 2008 about 500,000 frozen embryos had accumulated in cryogenic facilities around the United States. That would be closer to 1 million by now, all of which retain the potential to become unique human beings. Does Judge Lamberth’s decision mean that society must now assume responsibility for the continued viability of this growing population of potential people?"
Robert Park
sábado, 28 de agosto de 2010
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1 comentário:
ciência e religião , as duas faces da mesma moeda renegadora de Tanatos ( viu ? um cientista geneticista de barbas xpto , tal qual profeta , a anunciar a vida eterna na terra -que horror !!!! ): uma renega a matéria , a outra renega o espirito. Faça lá uma anedota com isto.
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