Informação recebida do Centro de Filosofia das Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa:
Darwin 2009 - Closing Seminar at the FCUL
4 Nov 2009, 16h00
FCUL, Anfiteatro da Fundação da FCUL (Edifício C1, Piso 3)
16h00 - The other person behind Darwin’s Natural Selection idea, Luís Vicente (CBA-FCUL)
16h45 - Can great apes help us to understand human evolution?, Catarina Casanova (CBA-FCUL, CAPP-ISCSP)
17h30 - Sexual selection by cultural inheritance in an invertebrate, Susana Varela (CBA-FCUL)
18h15 - Information and the Origin of Life, Bernd-Olaf Kuppers (Univ. Jena, Germany). Prof. Bernd-Olaf Kuppers work will be presented by Juan Manuel Torres (Univ. Mendoza, Argentina)
As the celebration of Charles Darwin's year is coming to an end, and following a series of seminars organized by the CFCUL throughout 2009 on Darwin and his legacy, the CFCUL and the CBA (both from the Fac. Sciences of the Lisbon University) are organizing a closing seminar that wishes to pay a last humble tribute to the founder of modern biology, whose thoughts and ideas have been influencing most, if not all areas of human knowledge.
This seminar talks will range from the origins of the Natural Selection theory itself – whose authorship doesn’t belong exclusively to Charles Darwin, but also to Alfred Russel Wallace – to three cases of current research on different areas in Biology and Primatology (the great apes and human evolution, cultural inheritance in invertebrates and biological information at the molecular level). In two of these talks, the subjects of Man’s descent and sexual selection will also be discussed. These are two additional major contributions that Darwin made to science, which our seminar wishes to celebrate as well.
Our aim is to draw attention to the importance of Charles Darwin's legacy as well as to the applications of natural and sexual selection knowledge to current and future research.
Centro de Filosofia das Ciências da UL (CFCUL), Centro de Biologia Ambiental (FCUL)
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