terça-feira, 25 de agosto de 2009


Um livro sobre um bioquímico que se tornou um dos maiores historiadores de ciência:

Autor: Simon Winchester
Título: "The Man who Loved China"
Editora: Harper
Data: 2008

Informação editorial:

"Joseph Needham (1900–1995) is the man who made China China, forming the West's understanding of a sophisticated culture with his masterpiece, Science and Civilization in China, says bestselling author Winchester. In a life devoted to recording the Middle Kingdom's intellectual wealth, Needham, an eccentric, brilliant Cambridge don, made a remarkable journey from son of a London doctor through scientist-adventurer to red scare target. In Winchester's (The Professor and the Madman) estimable hands, Needham's story comes to life straightaway. From the biochemist's arrival in World War II Chongqing (the smells, of incense smoke, car exhaust, hot cooking oil, a particularly acrid kind of pepper, human waste, oleander, and jasmine) to his steely discipline when crafting his research into prose (to an old friend: I am frightfully busy. You come without an appointment, so I am afraid I cannot see you), Winchester plunges the reader into the action with hardly a break. As the author notes in an outstanding epilogue—a swirling 12-page trip through the kaleidoscope of contemporary China—he is at pains to place Needham front and center in our understanding of the nation that now plays such a huge role in American life." ("from "Publisher's Review")

1 comentário:

Onésimo disse...

Não conheço este livro sobre Joseph Needham, mas de certeza que uma boa edição seria uma antologia de textos traduzidos de entre a imensa (verdadeiramente imensa) obra do sinólogo/sinófilo. Uma boa amostragem da sua preciosa obra creio que seria preferível a um livro sobre ele.

Onésimo Almeida


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