sábado, 14 de novembro de 2009


Um artigo recente na secção de livros do "New York Times", da autoria de Patricia Cohen, recenseia um livro que põe em causa a obra filosófica do alemão Martin Heidegger (na imagem), por ela estar intimamente ligada às suas convicções nazis. Começa assim:
"For decades the German philosopher Martin Heidegger has been the subject of passionate debate. His critique of Western thought and technology has penetrated deeply into architecture, psychology and literary theory and inspired some of the most influential intellectual movements of the 20th century. Yet he was also a fervent Nazi.

Now a soon-to-be published book in English has revived the long-running debate about whether the man can be separated from his philosophy. Drawing on new evidence, the author, Emmanuel Faye, argues fascist and racist ideas are so woven into the fabric of Heidegger’s theories that they no longer deserve to be called philosophy."
Ler o resto aqui.

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