E, finalmente, como estamos no ano em que se homenageiam Galileu e Kepler, proponho que se ouça "A Música das Esferas":
Informação do You Tube:
"The Galileo Project: Music of the Spheres
Conceived, spcripted and programmed by Alison Mackay
A Co-production with the Banff Centre
Produced and directed for the screen by David New
In this video Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra performs Jean Philippe Rameau's Entrance of Jupiter from Hippolyte et Aricie and George Frideric Handel's Allegro from Concerto Grosso in D Major, op. 3, no 6.
Tafelmusik explores the fusion of arts, science and culture in the 17th and 18th centuries in this imaginative concert commemorating Galileos first public demonstration of the telescope. Tafelmusik musicians perform the music by memory to a backdrop of high-definition images from the Hubble telescope and Canadian astronomers. The Galileo Project: Music of the Spheres features poetic narration, choreography, and music by Monteverdi, Vivaldi, Bach and Handel."
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