sábado, 19 de julho de 2014

Europe beware: Miguel Seabra is coming to Science Europe to "guide" European research policy

The Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT) has finally made public the contract it signed with the European Science Foundation. In it, ESF was told to only approve 50% of the research centers in the whole country. What was done, was not, after all, a pure assessment of the quality of the research produced, as initially announced in the evaluation guidelines and all previous communications. Centers that we're not approved now will not have enough structural funds to function (until 2020!!!). And Miguel Seabra, president of FCT, is coming to Science Europe to "guide" European research policy.

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

Eu já tinha dito que na lógica desta U.E. esta devastação só poderia ser uma imposição da Europa totalitária.

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