quinta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2010


Informação recebida da Biblioteca Geral da Universidade de Coimbra, em complemento da anterior:

A Royal Society tem on-line as fichas dos seus sócios mais antigos. A ficha de João Jacinto Magalhães tem as assinaturas de Joseph Priestley, um dos descobridor do oxigénio e de Benjamin Franklin, o inventor do pára-raios, a quem ele mais tarde doou o dinheiro para o Prémio Magalhães que tem sido atribuído nos Estados Unidos (entre outros foi recebido pelos inventores do GPS):
"John Hyacinth de Magalhaens of Fetter Lane London, a Portuguese Gentleman, descended from the eldest brother of the old Navigator who discover'd the Straits of that name, and a Corresponding Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris, being a person well acquainted with several branches of Philosophical Knowledge, and having resided many years in England, is very desirous of the honour of becoming a Member of the Royal Society: We therefore the under signed members do recommend him, on our personal Knowledge, as well qualified, and likely to prove an usefull member thereof.
Joseph Priestley; W Jones; B Franklin; William Hunter; W Watson; Peter Woulfe; Jos Banks; M Maty; John Letch

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