sábado, 12 de dezembro de 2009


Na revista de livros do "New York Times" de hoje, Jascha Hoffman recenseia, sob o título "Grigori Perelman’s Beautiful Mind" o livro

PERFECT RIGOR. A Genius and the Mathematical Breakthrough of the Century
By Masha Gessen
242 pp. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. $26.

sobre o matemático russo Grigori Perelman (na foto), que demonstrou a conjectura de Poincaré para em seguir desaparecer de cena, recusando até a Medalha Fields. Começa assim:
"In 1904 the French mathematician Henri Poincaré made a conjecture about three-­dimensional space that may help to explain the shape of the universe. Although it was crucial to the growth of the field of topology, Poincaré’s conjecture resisted proof for a century. When a Boston philanthropist announced a million-dollar prize for its solution in 2000 it was unclear whether he would ever have to pay.

Then, in 2002, a Russian mathematician named Grigori Perelman posted a terse paper to an online archive. In the course of tackling a broader problem, Perelman seemed to have miraculously swept away the remaining obstacles to proving the Poincaré conjecture. Soon the mathematical rumor mill was buzzing. The proof seemed genuine, but word was that Perelman had no plans to publish it."
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Por A. Galopim de Carvalho   Foi num dia quente e seco de Julho, nos finais dos anos 40 do século que passou, com o sol quase a pino, na Her...