segunda-feira, 18 de março de 2013

In the Digital Era, Our Dictionaries Read Us

In the Digital Era, Our Dictionaries Read Us - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education

The days of displaying a thick Webster's in the parlor may be past, but dictionaries inhabit our daily lives more than we realize. "There are many more times during a day that you are interacting with a dictionary" now than ever before, says Katherine Connor Martin, head of U.S. dictionaries for Oxford University Press. Whenever you send a text or an e-mail, or read an e-book on your Nook, Kindle, or iPad, a dictionary is at your fingertips, whether or not you're aware of it.

(via Instapaper)

1 comentário:

the revolution of not-yet disse...

e chamar dicionário ao que qualquer um digitou

é dar espaço a todas as legitimações do erro


 Por A. Galopim de Carvalho Já o disse e não é demais repetir que, por razões dinâmicas, decorrentes dos diâmetros das respectivas partícul...