segunda-feira, 11 de março de 2013

Does the Pope Matter?

Does the Pope Matter?
With the election of a new pope, the press will repeat old myths—that Christ made Peter the first pope, and that there has been an "apostolic succession" of popes from his time. Scholars, including great Catholic ones like Raymond Brown and Joseph Fitzmyer, have long known that Peter was no pope. He was not even a priest or a bishop—offices that did not exist in the first century. And there is no apostolic succession, just the twists and tangles of interrupted, multiple, and contested office holders. It is a rope of sand. At the beginning of the fifteenth century, for instance, there were three popes, none of whom would resign. A new council had to be called to start all over. It appointed Martin V, on condition that he call frequent councils—a condition he evaded after he was in power.
(via Instapaper)

4 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

And asking does the Pope matter, does it matter?

Unknown disse...

Os que ignoram Deus podem estar convencidos que isso é irrelevante, estão no seu direito, contudo, não podem deixar de verificar que esse assunto é muito importante para muitas outras pessoas.

Unknown disse...

e, como é claro, a primeira evidência dessa irrelevância é questionar se isso será relevante, como faz o Desidério (ou como farei eu, ou outro qualquer, à maneira de cada um).

cão para adoção disse...

concordo plenamente com o autor


Não sabemos ao certo, mas podemos colocar a hipótese, muito plausível, de a censura da expressão humana, nas suas mais diversas concretizaçõ...