Habitual destaque semanal à coluna What´s New do físico Robert Park:"The National Science Board, established by Congress as a national science policy body, oversees NSF and provides independent science policy advice to the President and Congress. It issues a huge biennial report, Science and Engineering Indicators, which is a compendium of quantitative data on the science enterprise around the world. The results are disturbing. In their understanding of science, polls found, most Americans are falling behind, even though much of the progress was made by American scientists and engineers. Congress needs to hear these facts. Instead, poll questions dealing with the origin of the universe and evolution were simply excised from the report The board member who took the lead in removing the text was John T. Bruer, a philosopher with close ties to the Vatican. I hope that Science will publish the apocryphal text so we may judge its relevance for ourselves."
domingo, 11 de abril de 2010
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2 comentários:
No séc. XVII perseguiu Galileo por criticar a cosmologia aristotélica e apoiar o heliocentrismo de Copérnico.
No séc. XXI apaga a origem do Universo e a Evolução.
Apesar de algumas retractações públicas, o Vaticano continua a ter dificuldade em relacionar-se com a ciência.
E era tão simples: à ciência o que é da ciência (a construção de teorias), à igreja o que é da igreja (a defesa da ética).
Caro De profundis
Cristo não falou sobre isso.
Só falou sobre Deus e o dinheiro, que parece que até se dão bem.
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