sábado, 29 de janeiro de 2011

Ainda a homeopatia

Destaque para a coluna semanal de Robert Park Whats New:


The decades-long dispute between Luc Montagnier of the Pasteur Institute in France and Robert Gallo, then at the National Cancer Institute in the US, has taken on an entirely different complexion following Montagnier’s public disclosure last month of far out homeopathic convictions. What's new reviewed homeopathy two weeks ago. Often described as treatment with “highly dilute” medicine, homeopathic dilution typically far exceeds the dilution limit, beyond which not a single molecule of the solute would remain. In homeopathy, less is more. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, called this The Law of Infinitesimals. Luc Montagnier was awarded the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine for his discovery of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), while Robert Gallo who many thought had a legitimate claim to the discovery was left out in the cold. Interviewed by Martin Enserink for Science just a month ago (Science, VOL 330, p.1732), Luc Montagnier explained he is leaving Francefor Shanghai to escape the climate of fear surrounding mention of the electromagnetic waves that he claims emanate from highly diluted DNA of various pathogens, including those responsible for autism and Alzheimer’s. Jaques Benveniste, who Montagnier calls a "modern Galileo," made similar claim Others in Europe are afraid to publish similar results according to Montagnier, "because of the intellectual terror from people who don't understand it."

Robert Park

3 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Uma boa leitura, melhor ainda na prática:


APH disse...

Terror, sim isso resume todos os factos.
O que importa é o que você acha ser verdade.

Xico disse...

Tal como Galileu. Não foi só a Igreja. Os cientistas da época não o acreditavam porque Galileu não podia provar o que afirmava e eles bem viam o Sol a rodar em volta do planeta.
Agora há alguém que pretende provar algo que os cientistas já determinaram a priori que era impossível. Vejam o resultado.


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