sexta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2016

Nota da American Physical Society sobre a experiência LIGO

Emanuele Berti, além do endereço da Universidade do Mississipi tem o endereço da Universidade de Lisboa (IST):

Gravitational Waves Detected at LIGO

Researchers from the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) and from the Virgo interferometer report in Physical Review Letters the first direct detection of gravitational waves—faint distortions in the geometry of spacetime that were predicted by Einstein in 1916.
A Physics Viewpoint commentary by Emanuele Berti of the University of Mississippi discusses the findings and explains why they will open a new era of observational astrophysics.

APS News is also providing additional coverage of this groundbreaking discovery.                             

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