quarta-feira, 7 de maio de 2008


“Há um velho ditado que diz que o curso da civilização é uma corrida entre a catástrofe e a educação. Numa democracia como a nossa, temos de assegurar que a educação ganha."
--John F. Kennedy

“Toda a arte de ensinar é apenas a arte de despertar a curiosidade natural das jovens mentes com o propósito de a satisfazer em seguida".
--Anatole France

Ontem foi Dia Nacional do Professor nos Estados Unidos. Não sei se por cá há um dia desses, mas, havendo tantos dias para tanta coisa, seria bom que houvesse. Transcrevo a justificação para o dia e a carta inspiradora que recebi da Associação de Professores de Física Americanos (AAPT) à qual pertenço:
"The History of National Teacher Day

In 1944 an Arkansas teacher, Mattye Whyte Woodbridge, began a letter-writing campaign about the need to recognize the impact of the nation's educators. Woodbridge contacted leaders in politics and education, among them Eleanor Roosevelt, who took up the cause and persuaded the 81st Congress to proclaim a one-time National Teacher Day in 1953.

National Education Association members and others continued to sponsor programs honoring teachers and their role in shaping the future. Since 1985 National Teacher Day has been observed on Tuesday of the first full week in May.


A letter of appreciation from AAPT’s President:

May 6, 2008

In recognition of National Teacher Day, the American Association of Physics Teachers wishes to express its appreciation and gratitude to you for your work with the physics students of America. Whether you teach in a high school, a two-year or four-year college, or a university, you are making a difference in the lives of our future scientists.

What is a teacher?
A teacher is someone who leads you on the path of understanding.
A teacher is someone who inspires you to be your best.
A teacher is someone you can count on when you need a helping hand.
A teacher is someone who changes your life forever.

Great physics teachers are a gift. Their raw material is the natural curiosity of human beings. Teachers nurture that curiosity, develop a sense of wonder, encourage the thirst for knowledge, introduce the basic building blocks of mathematics and physics concepts, and help students apply those concepts to everyday life. Some of those students may become teachers in turn. Some may develop the skills necessary for serious physics research and go on to pursue advanced degrees, becoming the physicists of tomorrow. No matter at what level you teach, your role in the lives of your students is critical to their future success.

We are all teachers in one way or another. Teaching is an essential function in the life of every professional physicist, whether in a classroom, in a research laboratory, in seminars, in journals, or in dealing with the public on a community problem. Yes, we are educators, professors, researchers, or directors, but our first responsibility is to teach.

AAPT, as the leading organization for physics teachers and physics education, provides services to help you enhance your teaching skills. AAPT helps you enrich the lives and learning of your students and make your work more fulfilling. We invite you to join us -- to read our outstanding journals, and participate in our workshops, seminars and conferences. We applaud your efforts, and we thank you for all your service to your students and to physics education.

Best wishes, and congratulations on your special day,

Lila Adair, President


For more information about National Teacher Day, go to “Latest News” on our website www.aapt.org.

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