quinta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2016


Informação recebida dos organizadores

MATHEMATICS COLLOQUIUM DMat - CMUniversity of Coimbra 
"The Lorenz butterfly: a beautiful mathematical object" by Étienne Ghys (ENS-Lyon, France)
 3:00pm, wednesday, 13th of January.
 Room 2.4, DMat UC


In 1963, Ed. Lorenz understood that some very simple differential equations in 3 dimensions can have a very complicated behavior. This was the starting point of the famous « butterfly effect ». Fifty years later, this equation still represents the paradigmatic example of a chaotic dynamical systems. I would like to give a modern presentation of this beautiful butterfly and, more importantly, to explain its role in the contemporary theory of dynamics. Étienne Ghys is a renowned french mathematician. His research focuses mainly on geometry and dynamical systems. He is also well known for his work in the promotion of mathematics. In 2015, he was awarded the inaugural Clay Award for Dissemination of Mathematical Knowledge. Cédric Villani, his colleague at the ENS-Lyon, in the recent book "Birth of a Theorem: A Mathematical Adventure", says the following about him: "A plenary speaker at the last International Congress of Mathematicians, member of the French Academy of Sciences, often (and probably rightly) described as the world's best lecturer on mathematics, Étienne Ghys is an institution unto himself. As a staunch advocate of promoting research outside the Paris region, he has spent the past twenty years developing the mathematics laboratory at ENS-Lyon. More than anyone else, he is responsible for turning it into one of the leading centers for geometry in the world. Étienne's charisma is matched only by his grumpiness: he has something to say about everything and nothing will stop him from saying it." -
DMat - Department of Mathematics UC CMUC - Centre for Mathematics UC
 The organizers, Jorge Neves and Jorge Picado

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