terça-feira, 13 de outubro de 2015


Mensagem recebida do físico brasileiro André Koch Assis

I am writing to inform about the publication of the book:

A. K. T. Assis and J. P. M. C. Chaib,
"Ampere's Electrodynamics - Analysis of the Meaning and Evolution of Ampere's Force  between Current Elements, together with a Complete Translation of His Masterpiece:
Theory of Electrodynamic Phenomena, Uniquely Deduced from Experience"
(Apeiron, Montreal, 2015), 543 pages, ISBN: 978-1-987980-03-5.

This book is freely available in PDF format (22 Mb) at:


The printed version can be ordered through Amazon:


This work analyzes the origins and evolution of Ampere's force between current elements,
beginning with Oersted's experiment of 1820 and its impact on Ampere. It explains the main
experiments performed by Ampère, including his creation of the null method
in physics. A major portion of the book  compares different paradigms and controversies related to the interactions between a magnet and
a current-carrying conductor:

Ampere X Oersted
Ampere X Biot and Savart
Ampere X Faraday
Ampere X Grassmann
Ampere X The magnetic field concept

A large bibliography with more than 500 references is included at the end of the work.
The book also includes complete and commented translations of Ampere's first paper on electrodynamics (1820)  and of his masterpiece (1826): Theory of Electrodynamic Phenomena, Uniquely Deduced from Experience.

A Portuguese version of this book was published in 2011 by the University of Campinas Press. The printed book
can be ordered through:


The Portuguese version is also available as an e-book:


I would appreciate if you might send this information to your colleagues, discussion groups and
students who might be interested in Ampere's work.

Sincerely yours,

Andre Assis
-- Andre Koch Torres Assis
Institute of Physics
University of Campinas
13083-859 Campinas, SP, Brazil
Email: assis@ifi.unicamp.br
Telephone: (++55) (19) 35215515
Homepage: http://www.ifi.unicamp.br/~assis

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