domingo, 17 de agosto de 2014

Academic Ranking of World Universities 2014 Press Release

De Xangai chegam notícias dos mais recentes rankings universitários. As melhores universidades portuguesas são, por esta ordem, Lisboa, Porto e Coimbra. Grande azar para a FCT: Nos rankings por disciplina aparecem as Engenharias da Universidade de Lisboa (onde está a sede do Instituto de Telecomunicações que foi chumbado pela FCT), a Matemática  da Universidade de Lisboa (onde a FCT chumbou vários centros) e a Física da Universidade do Minho  (cujo Centro de Física foi também chumbado pela FCT). Isto é, o que a FCT diz que é medíocre é aquilo que os melhores rankings internacionais dizem que é excelente! É entre outras, por essa razão que a "avaliação" da FCT tem de ser escrita entre aspas: usa o nome de avaliação sem que a designação tenha a ver com o conceito internacionalmente aceite. Quem quer verdadeiramente uma avaliação, tem de rejeitar a "avaliação" da actual FCT. 

"The 2014 Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) is released on August 15th by the Center for World-Class Universities at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Starting from 2003, ARWU has been presenting the world Top 500 universities annually based on transparent methodology and reliable data. It has been recognized as the precursor of global university rankings and the most trustworthy one. 

Who are the best? 

Harvard University remains the number one in the world for the 12th year, other Top 10 universities are: Stanford, MIT, Berkeley, Cambridge, Princeton, Caltech, Columbia, Chicago and Oxford. ETH Zurich (19th) takes first place in Continental Europe, followed by Pierre & Marie Curie (35th), University of Copenhagen (39th) overtakes Paris-Sud (42nd) in France as the third best university in Continental Europe. University of Tokyo (21st) and Kyoto University (26th) top other universities in Asia. University of Melbourne (44th) becomes the highest ranked university in this region in the history of ARWU. 

EPFL’s first appearance in Top 100 (96th) increases the number of Top 100 universities in Switzerland to 5, which is the 3rd highest number across all countries. UC Santa Cruz (93rd), KU Leuven (96th), Georgia Tech (99th) and VU University Amsterdam (100th) enter the Top 100 list for the first time. There are totally 25 universities breaking into the Top 500 list in 2014, among which Deakin University in Australia and other nine universities make their first appearance. 

Top 5 Universities in Each Field and Subject 

The Center for World-Class Universities also releases the 2014 Academic Ranking of World Universities by Broad Subject Fields (ARWU-FIELD) and 2014 Academic Ranking of World Universities by Subject Fields (ARWU-SUBJECT). Top 200 universities in five broad subject fields and in five selected subject fields are listed, where the best five universities are: 

Natural Sciences and Mathematics: 
Berkeley, Harvard, Princeton, Stanford and Caltech 

Engineering/Technology and Computer Sciences: 
MIT, Stanford, Berkeley, UIUC and UT Austin 

Life and Agriculture Sciences: 
Harvard, Cambridge, Stanford, MIT and UC San Francisco 

Clinical Medicine and Pharmacy: 
Harvard, UC San Francisco, Washington (Seattle), Johns Hopkins and Stanford 

Social Sciences: 
Harvard, Chicago, MIT, Berkeley and Columbia 

Princeton, Harvard, Berkeley, Pierre & Marie Curie and Stanford 

Berkeley, Princeton, MIT, Harvard and Caltech 

Berkeley, Harvard, Stanford, Northwestern (Evanston) and Cambridge 

Computer Science: 
Stanford, MIT, Berkeley, Harvard and Princeton 

Harvard, Chicago, MIT, Berkeley and Princeton 

The complete lists and detailed methodologies can be found at the Academic Ranking of World Universities website at   G

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