Feynman's legacy seen by Brazilian researchers
Studart, Nelson
Remembering Feynman
Caticha, Nestor
Feynman and his lectures on physics teaching in Brazil
Moreira, Ildeu de Castro
What distinguishes the Feynman lectures from traditional physics textbooks?
Karam, Ricardo
Feynman diagrams: The power of a picture
Aguilar, Arlene Cristina
Feynman Path Integrals
Viana, J. David M.
The Path Integral: A bridge between Quantum and Classical Mechanics
Almeida, Alfredo M. Ozorio de
Richard Feynman and the QED
Pleitez, Vicente
Feynman's quantum electrodynamics – translation of his Nobel lecture
Novaes, Marcel
There is plenty of history at the bottom – an invitation to revisit a talk
Schulz, Peter A.
Feynman, dissipation and quantum computation
Caldeira, Amir
Feynman, the superfluidity and the superconductivity
Farinas, Paulo F.
Feynman and the polarons
Studart, Nelson
The invention of pártons
Escobar, Carlos Ourivio
Gauge theories a la Utiyama
Acevedo, O.A.; Cuzinatto, R.R.; Pimentel, B.M.; Pompeia, P.J.
Setting up finite transforms using Sturm--Liouville Theory
Rispoli, Vinicius Carvalho; Amorim, Ronni; Nunes, Ana Paula Castro
The violin bow
Fomin, Igor Mottinha; Schafhauser, Lucas Guilherme; Matos, Jorge Luis Monteiro de; Nisgoski, Silvana; Freitas, Thiago Corrêa de
The inverted pendulum under different perspectives
Luchese, Thiago de Cacio
The meanings of mass and E = mc2: an approach based on conceptual maps
Kneubil, Fabiana B
A pedagogical proposal for teaching quantum computing using a 5-qubit processor
Rabelo, Wilson R.M.; Costa, Maria Lúcia M.
Introduction to the Protein Folding Problem: An Approach Using Simplified Computational Models
Contessoto, Vinícius de; Oliveira Junior, Antonio Bento de; Chahine,
Jorge; Oliveira, Ronaldo Junio de; Pereira Leite, Vitor Barbanti
Cosmic habitability and the possibility of life existence in other places of the universe
Frederico; Machaieie, Dinelsa; Fornazier, Karin; Corazza, Lia; Castro,
Manuel; Vilas-Boas, José Williams; Cecatto, José Roberto; Wuensche,
Carlos Alexandre
A fundamental experimental activity on Hall effect
Baccino, Daniel; Falcón, Sergio Leopoldo; Trinidad, Guzmán Pablo
Electrostatics in charged colloidal systems
Ramos, Igor Rochaid Oliveira; Braga, João Philipe Macedo; Ataíde, João Vitor Alencar; Lima, Alexsandro Pereira; Holanda, Lino
Polarization of light: basic concepts and applications in astrophysics
Rodríguez, Jenny Marcela
Application of the Restricted Three Bodies Problem in the study of the move the objects of the solar system
Macedo, Gabriel da Silva; Roberto Junior, Artur Justiniano
Historical approach in electromagnetic field teaching
Tobaja, Luis Manuel; Gil, Julia
Physics learning difficulties from the perspective of ENEM results
Barroso, Marta F.; Rubini, Gustavo; Silva, Tatiana da
activities and the development of skills and competences: an experience
report of the Physics course of the Federal University of Pará
Fraiha, Simone; Paschoal Jr, Waldomiro; Perez, Silvana; Tabosa, Clara E.S.; Silva Alves, João Paulo da; Silva, Charles Rocha
The teaching of spin: an approach integrated to tecnology and society
Belançon, Marcos Paulo
Enhancing and validating a low-cost photogate
Macêdo, Josué Antunes de; Pedroso, Luciano Soares; Costa, Giovanni Armando da
Dissemination and teaching of Astronomy and Physics through informal approaches
Junior, Edio da; Fernandes, Bruno da Silva; Lima, Guilherme da
Silva; Siqueira, Andreza de Jesus; Paiva, Jéssica Natália
Miranda; Santos, Marina Gomes e; Tavares, João Pedro; Souza, Taynara
Vitória de; Gomes, Thaciara Marcela Ferreira
Comparing the Schrödinger and Dirac Descriptions of an Electron in a Uniform Magnetic Field
Villamizar, David Velasco; Russell, Benjamin
Device for studying resonance and elasticity in cylindrical beams
Reis, Renan dos; Ito, Pedro Hiroshi Ely; Felicio, Solano Elias Souza; Paiva, Fernando Fernandes
High-Relief Sheets for teaching ondulatory phenomena to visual deficients
Silva, Alexandre Chaves da; Santos, Carlos Alberto dos
Early Exposure of Digital Natives to Environments, Methodologies and Research Techniques in University Physics
Asorey, H.; Núñez, L.A.; Sarmiento-Cano, C.
Genesis of the Physics Laboratory of the Federal University of Pará
Crispino, Luís Carlos Bassalo; Serra, Victor Façanha
The History of Electricity and Magnetism: from antiquity to middle ages
Tonidandel, Danny Augusto Vieira; Araújo, Antônio Emílio Angueth de; Boaventura, Wallace do Couto
Light and some of its technologies; a study of the physics
Tort, Alexandre
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