Em preparação para o Ano Internacional da Luz - 2015, que privilegia as tecnologias da luz que tornam mais fácil a nossa vida:
"Photonics technologies are amazing, fascinating, and you find them everywhere: in communication, entertainment, medical, manufacturing, automotive, energy, lighting, agriculture, photovoltaic, security, art, ... ´
Photonics is a key enabling technology with a very bright future. Whether you are looking for a new career, a student that needs to make a choice for your studies, if you are a financial investor or a politician that influences policies, think PHOTONICS !
On 21 October 1983, the General Conference of Weights And Measures adopted the value of 299,792.458 km/s for the speed of light. At the occasion of the anniversary, over 100 activities will be organized in more than 30 countries in the world and encompass all kinds of demonstrations and discussions on the impact of photonics on our day-to-day life. Be part of it!"
terça-feira, 30 de setembro de 2014
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O corpo e a mente
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